Integrated Energy Therapy (IET): General Session

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Have you ever felt stuck in a rut or way of thinking, that seemed impossible to get out of? I have experienced that same problem as well, and the one thing that has helped me the most to get out of it was Integrated Energy Therapy, or IET.

IET is a gentle yet powerful healing modality which supports and encourages you to manifest elements of your soul's mission and desires.

Many times there are energies in our systems from past incarnations ,or outdated habits that can manifest in resentment or ill will. IET is a modality of you supporting yourself with the help the angelic realm. You ask the angels for what you'd like to manifest. Ask and you shall receive. This method allows you to let go of worry, doubt, anxiety, and encourages you to forgive, and live in love and safety.

What is your intention for this session?

 If you could change, shift,manifest or create anything in your life What would it be?

 In other words what would you like to receive?

What would you like to release in this session?

IET essentially helps us clear the issues in our tissues. The sessions are done remotely. Sessions take about 45 minutes and you need to be in a state of relaxation and receptivity. My personal experience of this healing system is the difference between using a garden hose and a power wash. So there is no need to be stagnated by negative energies from your past. Schedule a session and have these lower energy feelings be transformed into joy, ease, and balance.

It would be my honor and great pleasure to assist you in manifesting your life purpose.

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